Code of ethics and business conduct 
Address of the Director General
Dear colleagues and business partners!
Boryspil International Airport is the main air gateway of our country. We have a strategic mission to be a high-tech European hub that increases the investment attractiveness of Ukraine.
Compliance standards by Boryspil Airport is crucial to the implementation of our mission and include the commitment to act ethically, following sound practices, respecting others and taking responsibility for the results of our activities.
The Code of Ethics of Boryspil International Airport State Enterprise represents the concept of our values, mandatory rules of conduct and moral principles, and clearly declares our obligations to passengers, business partners, employees and the public.
This Code contains clear rules of conduct in the workplace and covers, inter alia, areas that we consider key to our business: transparency, prevention of fraud, bribery, and corruption.
As part of our corporate values of security, customer focus, competitiveness, responsibility and sustainable development, we are committed to unequivocally respect for the rule of law and high moral standards, and to strive to create and develop an inclusive culture that values diversity.
The success of our business begins and ends with people who have deep professional knowledge, are responsible and conscientious for their duties, and perform their tasks efficiently and on time. To be a leader, we strive for excellence in everything we do and ensure that we operate legally and ethically. We are together creating the best airport in Europe, where all of us are proud of the results of our work.
Oleksiy Dubrevskyy,
Boryspil International Airport State Enterprise
CODE OF ETHICS AND BUSINESS CONDUCT Boryspil International Airport State Enterprise
Our values:
Ethical practices: We behave ethically, establish rules of business conduct, following sound practices, respecting others and taking responsibility for our activities.
Rule of law: We definitely respect the rule of law, prevent corruption and bribery in the Airport’s activities and adhere to high moral standards.
Development and reputation: We carry out continuous operational activities, preserving critical infrastructure, strive for sustainable development, create and develop an inclusive culture, uphold the Airport’s reputation and maintain the image of Ukraine.
Proficiency Our employees have profound competencies and are conscientious about their job responsibilities.
Responsibility We bear responsibility for the quality of our services and the final result of our activities.
Safety and Security We strictly comply with the requirements of ICAO, IATA and international standards, ensure application of high standards for quality and flight safety, provide and improve the quality of aircraft maintenance and ground handling, passenger servicing and their baggage handling, as well as cargo and mail handling, and protect the lives and health of passengers and staff.
Transparency We conduct our business in an explicit and transparent manner, being honest and objective.
Customer focus We focus on the needs and satisfaction of our customers, take care of passenger safety and comfort, and provide a full range of services to air carriers.