To join a training group, please contact the following number:
+ 38 (044) 281 76 76,
+ 38 (063) 980 66 29 in order to get more details about the required course (e.g. date of the course conducting, its cost and availability of vacant places in the training group).
Next, write, fill in and send to e-mail: [email protected] the following:
A LETTER on the original letterheaded paper of your organisation signed by the authorised manager and stamped, with indication of the name of the required training course, the date of its conduct, and the number of candidates for training (a surname, name, patronymic and position of each candidate for training). The mandatory requirement for such letter is the statement to be included that the payment for the course is guaranteed;
APPLICATION FORM FOR TRAINING (signed by the authorised manager and stamped, with indication whether you need a contract);
REGISTRATION FORM of the candidate for training (to be filled in by each candidate for training personally). This form is not required for the Initial training on the basics of aviation security course.
This information is available in Ukrainian