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Boryspil International Airport  is progressing to Improve its Anti-Corruption Expertise

18 June 2024

Employees of Boryspil International Airport have completed the Anti-Corruption Compliance training course under a programme of the Corporate Governance Professional Association (CGPA). In  total,  100 officials from the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, state-owned enterprises and agencies under its jurisdiction, and representatives of local self-government joined the programme.

The training program is conducted by the Corporate Governance Professional Association with the support of he Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi- Donor Account (MDA) managed by the EBRD, and in partnership with the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine.

The participants received comprehensive training, including theoretical part and practical exercises. In the course of their work, the participants also developed a procedure of anti-corruption compliance structure modelling at the enterprise. Under the results of the training, the participants were issued certificates. This programme is a way to develop and implement corporate governance.

“Boryspil Airport pays special attention to compliance with high standards and certification in all areas of our activities. After all, our mission is to make Boryspil Airport a high-tech, safe and transparent European airport for cooperation. To achieve this goal, we are looking for opportunities for modernisation, and this the process requires investments. In return, we demonstrate our progress and development in anti-corruption activities and corporate governance to our partners. Boryspil Airport is committed to maintaining high standards for all partners and investors and the said standards were confirmed by the Primary Award certificate from CIPS, which we received,” said Oleksiy Dubrevskyy, Boryspil Airport CEO.

As a reminder, in December 2023, Boryspil International Airport was issued with the Primary Award certificate by the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS), the world’s largest professional organisation for procurement and supply management, and became the first Ukrainian state-owned aviation enterprise to successfully pass the Primary Award certification for its procurement system for compliance with CIPS global standards.

Moreover, Boryspil International Airport is a participant in the pilot project of the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine on risk assessment and audit of the corruption prevention system.

*The Corporate Governance Professional Association (CGPA) is a leading expert community, a centre for generating reforms in the field of corporate governance and anti-corruption compliance in Ukraine.