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Boryspil International Airport is working to ensure transparency of the company’s activities

14 November 2024

These efforts aimed to ensure the transparency of the company’s activities is one of the key priorities for Boryspil Airport.

The heads of the structural divisions of the #KBP have completed the online course “Clear about the conflict of interest ” to prevent such conflicts of interest.

This is one more important step for introduction of transparency and ethical behavior in everyday activities.Why is it so important?

This training helps our employees to better understand situations when personal interests can influence their objectivity at work. As a result, such trainings enhance the staff awareness and enables them to make decisions that are consistent with the principles of transparency and professionalism.

Also, a meeting of the Club of Companies Officers was recently held on the UNIC platform. The event was attended by compliance officers of Boryspil International Airport, who, together with representatives of other state-owned enterprises, discussed key issues of developing compliance standards in Ukraine and prospects for joint work on creating an anti-corruption culture in the public sector.

It was a good opportunity for Boryspil International Airport to share vision of further development and to adopt successful practice for further implementation at the enterprise.During the meeting, a working panel discussion was held on the practical aspects of certification ISO 37001 “Anti-Corruption Management Systems,” where promotion of state-owned companies to achieve such certification and the role of certification in protecting business from corruption risks were on issue. Boryspil International Airport aims to implement a management system against corruption and bribery according to the international standard ISO 37001 and is steadily approaching its goal.

We continue to develop, taking care of the integrity of our team.