Price for Cargo Terminal Services 
Boryspil International Airport Cargo Terminal Services Tariffs
No. | Service Item | Price, UAH w/o VAT |
І. Terminal Services | ||
1.1 | Cargo (not including Express carrier’s cargo): | |
– per consignment shipment – per 1 kg of consignemnt | 63,80 0,55 | |
1.2 | Express carrier’s cargo: | |
– per АWВ or CMR – per 1 kg of consignment | 63,80 0,45 | |
1.3 | Mobile Shipments: | |
– per air waybill – per 1 kg of consignment | 63,80 0,20 | |
1.4 | International Express Shipments (according to the approved Procedure of Interaction of Handling Express Carriers Shipments at Boryspil IA SE Cargo Terminal): | |
– per AWB and CMR – per 1 kg of consignment | 63,80 0,90 | |
II. Cargo storage | ||
2.1 | Storage of conventional cargo, per 1 day: | |
2.1.1 | Per 1 kg of consignment over 50 kg for paid storage period: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 0,50 0,65 0,80 | |
2.1.2 | Per consignment shipment up to 50 kg (including) for paid storage period: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 24,20 31,90 35,20 | |
III. Special Cargo Storage | ||
3.1 | Radioactive Cargo Storage (category 7), per 1 day: | |
3.1.1 | Per 1 kg of consignment over 50 kg under condition of total storage period: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 1,00 1,10 1,30 | |
3.1.2 | Per 1 kg of consignment up to 50 kg (including) under condition of total storage period: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 49,50 56,10 63,80 | |
3.2 | Dangerous Cargo Storage (except for category 7) per 1 day: | |
3.2.1 | Per consignment shipment over 50 kg under condition of total storage period: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 0,80 0,95 1,10 | |
3.2.2 | Per consignmnet shipment up to 50 kg (including) under the condition of total storage period: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 38,50 46,20 52,80 | |
3.3 | Dangerous Cargo Storage (except for radioactive cargo) in cooling roof of the Cargo Terminal, per 1 day: | |
– for consignment shipment up to 50 kg including – for consignemnt over 50 kg, per 1 kg | 84,70 1,65 | |
3.4 | Perishable Cargo Storage in cooling room per 1 day under the condition of total storage period: | |
3.4.1 | Per 1 kg of consignemnt shipment over 50 kg: | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 0,80 0,95 1,10 | |
3.4.2 | Per consignment shipment up to 50 kg (including): | |
– up to 10 days – from 11 to 30 days – over 30 days | 38,50 46,20 52,80 | |
3.5 | Overweight oversized rolling cargo storage at Boryspil IA SE Cargo Terminal open area | |
– per 1 day and 1 sq. m. or its part of storage place* (* Note: 1 storage place of overweight oversized rolling cargo – not less than 8 sq. m.) | 35,20 | |
3.6 | Storage cargo in thermal containers | |
– for one thermal container per day or part thereof | 300,00 | |
3.7 | Storage of cargo with human remains in a cold room | |
– per air waybill for one day or part thereof | 440,00 | |
3.8 | Storage of high-value cargo in a specially equipped room of State Enterprise Boryspil International Airport per one day: | |
– per 1 AWB | 1 300,00 | |
IV. Other Services | ||
4.1 | Expedited handling of cargo on arrival/departure of aircraft per air waybill: | |
– for shipments up to and including 200 kg – for cargo over 200 kg up to and including 1000 kg | 464,20 1200,00 | |
4.2 | Autotruck Uploading/unloading at Boryspil IA SE Cargo Terminal: | |
– per 1 ton of cargo | 774,40 | |
4.3 | Marking of cargo at Boryspil IA SE Cargo Terminal: | |
– per 1 (one) marking of cargo content (one inner packaging) | 4,40 | |
4.4 | Acceptance of dangerous goods for air transportation with Checklist processing: | |
– per air waybill | 563,20 | |
4.5 | Drawing up the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods: | |
– per declaration | 844,080 | |
4.6 | Notification of cargo terminal customers about the arrival of cargo by electronic message (e-mail): | |
– per one notification | 6,40 | |
4.7 | Simplified cargo handling on domestic flights: | |
– per AWB up to and including 50 kg – per 1 kg of consignment up to 50 kg | 110,00 2,25 | |
4.8 | Control of unloading / loading from / to the aircraft, cargo, photo-report on request of the consignee / consignor: | |
– per one AWB | 670,00 | |
4.9 | One customer’s high-value cargo escort using the armored vehicle of State Enterprise Boryspil International Airport within the territory of the airport | |
– per one escort service per flight (consignment departure or receipt) | 5 100,00 |
Note: Payment for cargo terminal services is charged in accordance with the current version of the “Rules of Cargo Terminal Tariffs for Provision of Services”.