Information for Cargo Terminal Customers 
During the period of martial law in Ukraine and the closure of the airspace of Ukraine, the temporary storage warehouses (hereinafter referred to as the TSW) of the cargo terminal are working for delivery and receipt of cargo that was placed in the TSW until 24.02.2022 (inclusive).
Reclaim (inspection) of cargo to customers of the cargo terminal is carried out Thursdays from 09:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Kyiv time, excluding weekends and holidays established by the legislation of Ukraine, subject to mandatory prior appointment to cargo terminal.
In order to pre-register for the inspection or receipt of the cargo, it is necessary to send an official letter to the email address [email protected] with a copy sent to the address [email protected] by 12:00 a.m. of the working day preceding the date of the cargo inspection.
The above message must be printed on the company’s official letterhead (if available), it must contain registration details, the signature of an authorized person, and the following information:
– the date on which the inspection/receipt of the cargo is scheduled;
– air freight bill number;
– the name/surname of the consignee according to the air freight bill;
– information about the car brand and its licence plate;
– full name, series and passport number of the driver and other representatives who will inspect/receive the cargo;
– contact phone number for feedback. Official note dated 02.11.2023 No. 26-10-286 Sheet 2 of 2
If the inspection of the cargo will be carried out by a person other than the Consignee, the letter must contain information about the name of the legal entity (or surname, proper name of the natural person), whose representatives will carry out the inspection, the purpose of such inspection, etc.
As annexes to the message must be sent:
– a scanned copy of the air freight bill;
– a scanned copy of the confirmation of payment for cargo storage (for receiving the cargo);
– a scanned copy of the power of attorney for the right to receive the cargo (if necessary);
– a scanned copy of documents confirming the right to inspect the cargo by a person other than the consignee.
ATTENTION! To receive cargo from the TSW, it is mandatory to complete customs clearance (import and transfer cargo) or cancellation of customs clearance (export cargo).
(Note: following documents are available only in Ukrainian)