To passengers with kids 
It is clear, that having a flight with children has its peculiarities: more items in cabin luggage, baby strollers and a wish to finally set on the long awaited travel. Therefore, here at Boryspil International Airport we have created the required conditions for a pleasant family travel.
For the purpose of saving your time and making the travel more comfortable, we offer the passengers with children the dedicated aviation security checkpoint.
If you still have time before the departure you can spend it with comfort. Baby care rooms are available throughout the Airport. There you can find everything you may need: baby-changing table, highchair, baby beds and comfortable sofas.
Please follow the links for more detailed info and prepare yourself for travelling with a child.
At Boryspil International Airport, for departing passengers with children under 6 y.o. travelling international routes there is a dedicated aviation security checkpoint separated from the main passenger flow located on the third level of Terminal D.
Relevant visual indications and video materials informing on the manner of completing aviation security check are displayed at the dedicated security checkpoint and nearby.
You do not need to reserve the service in advance to use the dedicated security checkpoint as it is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You can ask for the exact location of the checkpoint at the Information Desk on the third level of Terminal D.
Family members travelling with children under 6 y.o. shall pass the aviation security check there together. The service is free of charge.
- prepare your boarding pass and documents to be checked by the Aviation Security representatives;
- take off your upper garments and put them in a special container, where you should also put everything from the pockets, belt and packets with liquid (see Aviation Security section Transportation of Liquids);
- take from the bag your electronic appliances (such as laptops, tablets, telephones, etc.) and put them in the special container;
- put all your belongings (bags and special containers) on the moving part of the transporter belt and wait for the Aviation Security Officer to ask you to pass through the walk-through metal detector.
Infants and children are subject to aviation security check on a general basis. Aviation Security officer shall ask for the permission of the accompanying adult before conducting the hand search of an infant/child.
Aviation security check is provided in the following manner:
- one of the parents, or accompanying adults shall carry the baby taking the infant out of the stroller or baby carrier to allow for baby hand search using the handheld metal detector;
- kids who are able to walk without the assistance from one of the parents or accompanying adults are allowed to use the walkthrough metal detector;
- foldable strollers and baby carriers as well as all other baby items are subject to the security check using the X-ray television introscope and if required with the application of alternative methods.
Pregnant women are subject to security check on a general basis. At the request of a woman Aviation Security personnel may apply hand search instead of traditional screening equipment.
In case of activation of walkthrough metal detector while passenger passes it the hand search using the handheld metal detector shall be applied.
The exemption in the rule on the amount of transported liquids, aerosols, gels (see section Aviation Security Transportation of Liquids) is applied by the Aviation Security personnel during the security check in case the liquid, aerosol or gel are required to be used during the flight or for medical or dietary needs, that includes the baby food.
Special dietary needs include the liquids or food that are extremely vital for the health of the passenger, baby food under the condition that baby is also travelling, or special food required for passenger with lactose or gluten intolerance. Other baby products include milk or juice, sterilized water and food in the form of liquid, gel or paste.
Liquids, aerosols, gels required for medical purpose over 100ml per unit and prescribed by the doctor or purchased without prescription are allowed for transportation if required in the passenger cabin under the condition that their volume does not exceed the required for the time of travel.
The passenger shall present the evidence of the necessity to transport the carried volume of liquids, aerosol and gels by the request of Aviation Security personnel. Name in the prescription and boarding pass are checked. In case the medicine was purchased without the prescription, the decision depends on which quantity of medicine is required for the time of flight considering the possible delays or flight route deviations. If the medicine tag has no name of the patient and the medicine is bought by the prescription the passenger shall present the certificate from a doctor.
In case it is required to medically treat the patient during the flight, transportation of syringes required to perform the injections in the cabin luggage shall be approved by the air carrier while presenting the relevant document (medical certificate) from the authorized person.
Childcare rooms are available throughout the Terminal D gate zone and free access areas. These rooms offer the baby-changing table, highchair, baby beds and comfortable sofas for parents.
Location of Childcare Rooms at Terminal D
Location of toilets with baby-changing tables at Terminal D
When kids are travelling it is of the upmost importance to double-check the documents allowing to cross the border of Ukraine, as well as to know what is required to enter the destination country.
The detailed info regarding minor citizens of Ukraine leaving the country is available on the website of State Border Service of Ukraine. We would also like to remind you that questions regarding the border crossing are under the jurisdiction of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

While travelling not abroad (domestic flight), the minors require the following documents: internal passport (for the 16 y.o. passengers and older), birth certificate (for children up to 16 y.o.). For the domestic flights the foreign passport may also be used instead of the internal passport or birth certificate.
Possibility of minors (children under 16 y.o.) travelling without accompaniment by adults shall be negotiated with the air carrier.
Please note, that minors travelling unaccompanied by the adults is an additionally charged service.
While departing the unaccompanied minor, parents or foster parents shall:
- Ensure that the child has all duly prepared travel documents;
- Ensure that there is a trusted person who shall remain at the airport of departure till the actual time of departure;
- Ensure there is a trusted person to meet the child at the airport of arrival;
- Sign a special document certifying that the child will travel unaccompanied;
- Pay for all the expenses.
For the purpose of duly arranging all the required documents allowing the child to ravel unaccompanied, please arrive to the Airport ell in advance.